Distinctive Features: The water body is owned by the BDO and is permanently wet. Boundary wall exists and it looks like a proper natural wetland. It looks like a well-developed constructed wetland. Construction has now fallen out and broken. There is inhabitant on one side and agriculture field on the other three sides. The water is not that much contaminated and can be used for drinking water for livestock. The water body is not encroached so far.
Economic Benefits: This wetland can be used to cultivate fishes for commercial purposes as the quality of water is best suited for pisciculture.
Geographical location: Latitude, Longitude – 28.775800, 77.092494 (See on Google Maps)
Altitude = 214.5 metres
Bird Species: Calotropis, Ricinus
Areas of Concern: proper maintenance, lack of awareness among people.
- Immediate attention is required for maintaining the said water body.
- Spread of awareness among the villagers about the importance of the wetland.